How it works
The Pitch event will be held once a year, over two days. Please make sure you are pitching your book on the appropriate day; participating agents will only tune in on a specific day, to see the pitches in the categories they represent/acquire. If agents see a pitch they like, authors will send in queries and go through the normal querying process.
Pitch Event: What to do
Get your pitch ready for the event. It starts from 8AM EST - 9PM EST.
Make sure to use the different hashtags as stated below.
Make sure to use the general hashtag #SmoochPit
Pitch your work not more than four times for each manuscript.
You can pitch more than one manuscript.
Moodboards and Commisioned art is permitted, but no offensive images
If an agent likes your tweet, please follow their submission guidelines.
Mentor Application Process
Make sure your manuscript is finished, as polished as much as you can.
Get your query and summary (synopsis) letter ready.
Wait for the link and mentors list before you submit your entry.
Hashtags to use
#YA = Young Adult
#NA = New Adult
#A = Adult
#WF - Womens Fiction
#HR - Historical Romance
#RC - Romantic Comedy
#KissAOC - Author Of Color
#CR - Contempoary Romance
#RS - Romantic Suspense
#FS - Fantasy Romance