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Ingrid Pierce (she/her)


New Adult, Adult


Contemporary, Rom Com, Historical, Dark Romance, Romantic Suspense, Fiction with strong romantic elements


I've been helping writers achieve their writing goals since 2019. Through curiosity and compassion, I help writers bring the heart of their stories forward. Together, we build their skillsets with confidence so they can be seen and understood through their work. I've mentored in several programs, including the Write Team Mentorship Program, KissPitch, and Contemporary Romance Writers' matching program. I earned my book coaching certification through Author Accelerator in 2023.


I'm also an author, and I love writing love stories. I write about complex, modern characters who choose love even when it's difficult--the electrifying, fearless kind of love that jolts you right out of your comfort zone--with a lot of laughter and swears along the way. I live in Arizona's mountains with my husband, son, and menagerie of fur babies, and I still work a full-time day job in frontline healthcare.

My romance FIRST LOOK AT FOREVER will debut in 2024 with Alcove Press!


I'm looking for:

Marginalized voices

Complex characters

I mean it: I want unlikeable heroines and morally gray heroes

Emotionally rich conflicts

Really, give me a gut punch to my feels ok

Wry humor

Messages of hope

Medium to high heat is my jam

Trope flips and twists that keep me guessing


I'm NOT looking for:

Fantasy and/or Sci-Fi romance

Young adult stories


Stories that end on cliffhangers


Please, no stories involving the death of children or animals on page.


I ask that you put content warnings at the bottom of your query. Very little is off limits, but I'd like to know what I'm getting into!


I'm an involved and supportive mentor. My editing is thorough, and I'll ask you some really difficult questions, but I promise to give you the tools and support you need to answer them. Through gentle but honest feedback, you'll be able to look at your work more critically and level up your craft. By the time we're done, you'll have techniques you can take with you AND you'll know your own unique strengths as a storyteller and how to maximize them. My goal is to leave you with the confidence and skills to keep sharing your words with the world.

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